
Why do professional table tennis players touch the table between points?

Professional table tennis players touch the table between points for a few reasons:

  1. Ritual and Routine: Many players have personal rituals and routines that help them get into a focused and concentrated state of mind. Touching the table between points might be a part of their routine that helps them maintain consistency and stay mentally prepared.
  2. Tactile Feedback: By touching the table, players can feel the texture and condition of the playing surface. This can help them gauge the level of grip and friction the table offers, which in turn affects how the ball will behave when it bounces on the table during their next serve or shot.
  3. Timing and Focus: The act of touching the table can also serve as a way for players to control their pacing and timing. It provides a moment of pause and concentration between points, allowing them to reset mentally and prepare for the next point with full focus.
  4. Visual Reference: Players might touch the table as a way to reorient themselves spatially. This can be particularly helpful when they need to quickly position themselves for the next point or adjust their stance based on the position of the ball.
  5. Superstition: Like in many sports, superstitions can play a role in a player's routine. Some players might believe that touching the table brings them luck or positive energy, which can contribute to their confidence and mental state during the match.
  6. Habit: Over time, certain actions become ingrained habits for athletes. Touching the table might simply be a habit that players have developed as a natural part of their pre-point routine.

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Overall, the specific reasons for why individual players touch the table between points can vary. It's often a combination of mental, physical, and superstitious factors that contribute to their routine.